Azure, Cloud, AppService, Logic Apps, Cloud Service

Developing Microsoft Azure App Services

The Microsoft Azure cloud offers various services to make the development, deployment, and management of Web applications and services easier. This workshop gives you all the details you need to take advantage of these various offers, and build Websites and services using both easy to use and extremly scalable services. You learn creating Web sites, API services, and microservices using .NET Core and the .NET Framework.

Attendees are expected to know working with Visual Studio and know C# and .NET. To understand all topics of the workshop, knowledge of ASP.NET helps, but is not required. For creating ASP.NET Web applications and services, you should also attend a workshop on this, such as ASP.NET Core, but this can be done after this workshop as well.


  • Overview to Microsoft Azure
  • Creating Azure App Services
  • Scalability with Azure Cloud Services
  • Microservics with the Azure Service Fabric
  • Creating Azure Functions
  • Using Azure Storage for blobs, tables, and queues
  • Moving SQL Databases to Azure SQL Databases
  • NoSQL Database with Cosmos DB
  • Taking advantage of Azure Search
  • Using Cognitive Services
  • App Container Services
  • Using DevOps with your solution

Overview to Microsoft Azure

Before getting in the details, you learn about the differences between IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and SaaS (Software as a Service). We start with an overview of all the different services and offers from Microsoft Azure. Before getting into the details, you learn major differences between App Services and Cloud Services, can decide when to use Azure Storage, CosmosDB, and SQL Azure, and get an overview of microservices.

Creating Azure App Services

You learn creating ASP.NET Core Web applications as well as ASP.NET Web API services. Features from Web Apps, Mobile Apps, and API Apps will be used, such as autoscaling, offline data sync, sign-in to apps using Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft services, as well as consuming API apps with the help of Swagger. With Notification Hubs you learn how to push messages to Windows, Android, and iOS clients. Using Logic Apps you learn how to create business processes and workflows with a visual designer, and use connectors to integrate databases, email, OneDrive, DropBox, and other services.

Scalability with Azure Cloud Services

Cloud Services offer high available, scalable services. You learn advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Services and how to use them with .NET Web applications and services.

Microservices with the Azure Service Fabric

The Azure Service Fabric that itself makes use of Cloud Services allows building stateful or stateless microservices, manage a large list of small independent versioned services. You'll get an overview of this technology and learn its advantages.

Creating Azure Functions

You learn creating and using Azure Functions. Azure Functions allow for timer-based processing, processing based on events such as files added to Blob storage or HTTP requests received, and allow real-time stream processing, and you can implement the funcationality of a Bot.

Using Azure Storage for Blobs, Tables, and Queues

Azure Storage offers a large, cheap, scalable, and performant data storage. You learn how to create and use blob storage for storing large binary objects such as photos and videos, as well as random-access storage, table storage for storing large items, and queues that can be used for communication between cloud services.

Moving SQL Databases to Azure SQL Databases

Using Azure SQL Databases instead of on-premise SQL Server removes the burden of management and adds features such as geo-replication, point in time database restore, and the integration of the Azure Active Directory. You learn the differences between an on-premise SQL Server, how to move data to Azure SQL databases, and things you need to be aware of when using Azure SQL.

NoSQL Database with Cosmos DB

For better scalability than relational databases, you can use a NoSQL storage such as CosmosDB. You learn storing and retrieving JSON objects, create ad-hoc queries using SQL syntax, take advantage of consistency levels, manage indexes with the DocumentDB API, read and write table entities using the Table API, create graphs with the Graph API and Gremlin.

Taking Advantage of Azure Search

No matter what the data store is, you can use Azure Search for fast full-text queries supporting different languages that can be used by Web sites and applications. You learn using Azure Search to auto-complete user inputs.

Using Cognitive Services

Cognitive Services allow for natural and contextual interaction to enhance user experiences. You learn to use services such as the Bing Spell Check API to detect and correct spelling mistakes, the Bing Speech API to convert speech to text and back, the Translator Text API for automatic text translation, the Face API to detect, analyze, and organize faces in photos, the *Computer Vision API" to get information from images, and other services.

App Container Services

Visual Studio 2017 enhances the support for container services. Now you can use docker from a graphical user interface instead of using the command line. You learn both using the command line as well as the integration in Visual Studio 2017 to create and use docker images with ASP.NET Core.

Using DevOps

You learn to take advantage of Visual Studio 2017 for DevOps to deploy app updates with built-in staging, roll-back, in-production testing, and performance testing. Git and Visual Studio Team Services are explained.

Flexible Content

This workshop is offered as company-based workshop and occasionaly with open course dates. I'm flexible in adapting this workshop to your specific needs. Get in contact to discuss the knowledge you already have and the goals of your project.

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